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What a teen with Down syndrome has taught me through my photography

I have been a photographer for quite a while and have had many sessions with high school seniors. Seniors are easy - they know what to do, how to pose, and how to use the right angles to flatter themselves… especially the girls! :)

A little over a year ago, I was contacted by a Lake Brantley Mom who was inquiring about a Senior Aession for her daughter Abigail. I was super excited and at the same time a little anxious anticipating my session with the senior. Abigail was born with Down syndrome but she was no different to any other senior I photographed before. Like Abigail says: “I am a typical teenage girl except I have an extra chromosome”.

Throughout the whole photoshoot, Abigail was just a smiling happy teenager. Although she had a cold at the time, she still managed to pull everything off so well. I couldn’t believe her attitude, I was very impressed with her determination and positivity. Every picture showed different sides of her. Sometimes she was a teenager having fun, sometimes she was a woman, sometimes she was a young girl with a super confident walk. I hope she felt like a SUPERSTAR, because that is how she looked … just smiling and being herself.

Photographing Abigail has helped me to realize even more that kids with Down syndrome are precious gifts, and even with certain limitation, kids with DS can do anything they put their minds to. From NY Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, Pro Bowl halftime show with Jordan Fisher, meeting politicians in Washington, to TV commercials… there are no limits to Abigail! I learned so much with her ❤️

I photographed Abigail like any other high school senior. I wanted to bring her personality closer to the viewer — to show that she can have the same feelings and dreams and especially to show that Down syndrome is only a small part of her incredible story! I feel so blessed with the opportunity to meet her and her family.

A few words from Abigail and her parents:

“No matter who you are or where you came from, your success begins with you. Always follow your dreams! Down syndrome doesn't hold me back. Don't let anything keep you from being the best you”! Abigail Adams

“Our main goal has always been to give others hope. To share that our girl has done much more than others would ever imagine! We never got to go to Washington and advocate and meet politicians! We never were in TV commercials! We were told so many negative things when we were expecting and even people apologized when she was born and felt sad for us. We reminded them that we were thrilled to have a little girl and she was a baby first and just happened to have Down syndrome.” Steve & MaryAnne Adams

👉 Follow Abigail on Instagram and learn about her work representing people with disabilities

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